Sur les sujets de société et de civilisation en France et dans le monde; et tout ce qui me passe dans la tête...
Affichage des articles dont le libellé est oligarchie. Afficher tous les articles
Affichage des articles dont le libellé est oligarchie. Afficher tous les articles
Sophie Sophie Coignard – Ambassadeurs thématiques : les fantômes du Quai d'Orsay,

Cellule investigation de Radio France: Fact-checking des réponses de Ségolène Royal à nos enquêtes
Après la publication de plusieurs enquêtes de la cellule investigation de Radio France la concernant, Ségolène Royal a réagi sur France Inter en dénonçant des accusations "diffamatoires" et relevant, selon elle, de la "délation". Nos réponses sur les faits.
Oligarchie: Jack Lang s'est fait offrir pour 200000€ de costumes

INFO OBS. Depuis plusieurs années, Jack Lang profite des largesses du propriétaire de Smalto, Alain Duménil, un homme d’affaires mis en examen dans une affaire de banqueroute frauduleuse.
Xavier Bertrand s'augmente de 4 000 euros pour compenser la fin du cumul de ses mandats
Xavier Bertrand à Lille, le 4 janvier. | DENIS CHARLET / AFP

C'est son premier vrai couac depuis son élection à la tête de ce qui sera bientôt la région « Hauts-de-France », en décembre : Xavier Bertrand est au cœur d'une polémique pour avoir augmenté ses indemnités, afin de compenser la fin du cumul de ses mandats. Le Courrier Picard et La Voix du Nord ont révélé que l'ancien ministre du travail a fait voter, le 26 janvier, une délibération du conseil d'agglomération de Saint-Quentin (Aisne) lui octroyant une indemnité de 4 000 euros brut, soit près de 3 000 euros net et 2 400 après prélèvement à la source.
Aussitôt élu à la région, M. Bertrand (Les Républicains) avait revendiqué sa volonté d'incarner une manière de faire de la politique plus vertueuse, en abandonnant ses mandats de député de l'Aisne et de maire de Saint-Quentin, pour mieux se consacrer, disait-il, à son nouveau poste. Il avait tout de même conservé son mandat de conseiller municipal et restait président de la communauté d'agglomération de Saint-Quentin.10/08/2016
Pourquoi je ne suis pas altermondialiste. éloge de l'antimondialisation par André Bellon
"Les dieux n'étant plus, et le Christ n'étant pas encore, il y a eu, de Cicéron à Marc Aurèle, un moment unique où l'homme seul a été." Gustave Flaubert
Je ne suis pas alter-mondialiste; et pourtant, je suis solidaire des centaines de milliers de manifestants qui s'expriment pour un autre monde dans les rues des mégapoles où survit une humanité de plus en plus paupérisée, soumise, méprisée; je suis un parmi ces centaines de milliers de militants des forums sociaux locaux ou mondiaux comme un parmi ces millions d'hommes qui ont défilé dans les capitales du monde contre la folie guerrière des états-Unis. Ces défilés sont une réponse au discours révérencieux tenu depuis plusieurs décennies par les prêcheurs qui monopolisent l'expression publique, à l'enthousiasme parfois délirant de la classe dirigeante vis-à-vis de la mondialisation. Ils sont une réaction à cet environnement oppressant que nous apportent, depuis des années, les principaux médias; tournons, par exemple, au hasard, les pages de *The Economist*, cet hebdomadaire si politiquement correct : « Comment vous adaptez-vous à l'économie globalisée ? » « Pendant que beaucoup parlent de l'idée de village planétaire, nous le construisons*. Lire la suite...
Je ne suis pas alter-mondialiste; et pourtant, je suis solidaire des centaines de milliers de manifestants qui s'expriment pour un autre monde dans les rues des mégapoles où survit une humanité de plus en plus paupérisée, soumise, méprisée; je suis un parmi ces centaines de milliers de militants des forums sociaux locaux ou mondiaux comme un parmi ces millions d'hommes qui ont défilé dans les capitales du monde contre la folie guerrière des états-Unis. Ces défilés sont une réponse au discours révérencieux tenu depuis plusieurs décennies par les prêcheurs qui monopolisent l'expression publique, à l'enthousiasme parfois délirant de la classe dirigeante vis-à-vis de la mondialisation. Ils sont une réaction à cet environnement oppressant que nous apportent, depuis des années, les principaux médias; tournons, par exemple, au hasard, les pages de *The Economist*, cet hebdomadaire si politiquement correct : « Comment vous adaptez-vous à l'économie globalisée ? » « Pendant que beaucoup parlent de l'idée de village planétaire, nous le construisons*. Lire la suite...
FT editor Lionel Barber is handed a GONG by France
- Lionel Barber made 'Chevalier' in 'Ordre national de la Legion d'Honneur'
- Gong is the equivalent of a UK knighthood and is France's highest honour
- Memo from the French embassy specifically praises the FT's 'positive' role in the European debate
On n'est informé qu'en lisant la presse ou par ceux qui en font la veille; en voici la preuve. Une affaire qui fait scandale au Royaume Uni. Suite...
Et ici la traduction par les Crises. Hallucinant, et pas vu dans nos médias français.
Oligarchie: Nous avons notre Christophe Barbier à L'Express: ils ont leur Lionel Barber au Financial Times. Qui est Lionel Barber?
Paris strikes astonishing partnership with secret Isis sponsor tied to Hillary Clinton [EXCLUSIVE] | The Canary
Paris strikes astonishing partnership with secret Isis sponsor tied to Hillary Clinton [EXCLUSIVE] | The Canary
Nafeez Ahmed
City of Paris has struck a corporate partnership with French industrial
giant, Lafarge, recently accused of secretly sponsoring the Islamic
State (Isis or Daesh) for profit.
Documents obtained by several journalistic investigations reveal that Lafarge has paid taxes to the terror group to operate its cement plant in Syria, and even bought Isis oil for years.
Yet according to the campaign group, SumOfUs, Lafarge is the corporate partner and sand provider to the City of Paris for this summer’s Paris-Plages urban beach event. The project run by Office of the Mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, will create artificial beaches along the river Seine in the centre and northeast of Paris.
Lafarge also has close ties to Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Apart from being a regular donor to the Clinton Foundation, Clinton herself was a director of Lafarge in the early 1990s, and did legal work for the firm in the 1980s. During her connection to Lafarge, the firm was implicated in facilitating a CIA-backed covert arms export network to Saddam Hussein.
But the Le Monde story only covered a fraction of the revelations. Previous investigations by Zaman al-Wasl, an independent news outlet run by elements of the Syrian opposition, revealed that Lafarge had even regularly bought oil from Isis.
Al-Wasl’s original investigation, which Le Monde appears to have borrowed from considerably, was published in February, and based on internal documents and emails from the company. Al-Wasl reported that the CEO of Lafarge Cement Syria, Frederic Jolibois, had personally instructed his firm to make payments to Isis.
Paris itself has been repeatedly attacked by terrorists. On 13 November 2015, Isis coordinated a series of terror strikes in Paris and its northern suburb, Saint-Denis, killing 130 people and injuring 368.
Yet Paris’ new corporate partner, according to Le Monde, sponsored the Isis terror group in Syria in the preceding years to keep up company profits.
Most of these emails seem to have been first obtained by Zaman al-Wasl. Lafarge’s Syria operations ended on that date when Isis took over the firm’s facility in Jalabiya.
Documents show that Lafarge’s Paris headquarters were fully aware of the business deal with Isis. The company even sent a representative into Isis territory “to get permission from Isis group to let employees past checkpoints,” reports Le Monde.
A “pass stamped with an Isis group stamp and endorsed by [Isis] finance chief in the Aleppo region” confirms Lafarge’s deal with Daesh to allow the free circulation of its goods.
In February 2015, Isis were driven out of the Jalabiya region by Kurdish forces.
Lafarge has declined to address the allegations, stating only that the firm’s highest priority was to protect the safety of its employees in Syria.
However, instead of ending its Syrian investments when the conflict began as most other international firms had done, which would have been the safest option, the firm struck a lucrative business deal with the jihadist terror group to maximise profits from its local cement operations.
In one email trail, Lafarge general manager Bruno Pescheux received a warning from his Syria senior plant manager about repercussions due to the firm’s “illegal purchasing of petroleum products from ‘non-governmental organizations’ in areas outside the control of the Syrian government […] there are high expectations about a government action or a resolution against individuals and companies who purchase illegal petroleum products.”
Pescheux’s response was revealing. Agreeing that this could be a “worrying” issue “in the future” for Lafarge, he suggested the company prepare justifications for its policy, such as:
Business partnerships of any kind with terror groups like Isis are criminal actions under international law, and subject to stringent US and EU sanctions.
Outraged by the partnership, nearly 40,000 members of SumOfUs, the international corporate watchdog, have signed a petition demanding that Mayor Anne Hidalgo immediately cut Paris’ partnership with Lafarge.
Eoin Dubsky, SumOfUS campaign manager, said:
Far from being courted by Paris with new contracts, Lafarge executives should be prosecuted in France for sponsoring the terrorist group behind the Paris attacks.
From Saddam to Clinton to post-war Iraq
But Lafarge leads quite a charmed existence.
Among its earliest benefactors was former First Lady and current presidential hopeful, Hillary Clinton.
From 1990 to 1992, Clinton served on Lafarge’s Board of Directors. Under her tenure, Lafarge’s Ohio subsidiary was caught burning hazardous waste to fuel cement plants. Clinton defended the decision at the time.
Then just before her husband, Bill Clinton, was elected president in 1992, Lafarge was fined $1.8 million by the Environmental Protection Agency for these pollution violations. Hillary Clinton had left the board of Lafarge in spring, just after her husband won the Democrat nomination. A year later, under Bill’s presidency, the Clinton administration reduced Lafarge’s EPA fine to less than $600,000.
In the late 1980s, according to an archived investigative report in the American Spectator, Hillary Clinton was connected to Lafarge when the firm was involved in facilitating CIA support for Saddam Hussein’s secret weapons programme.
The American Spectator report from November 1996 cited sources confirming that Hillary Clinton did legal work for Lafarge in the late 1980s before she became a director. The report also claimed that Lafarge’s US subsidiary:
In 2013, Lafarge’s Executive Vice President for Operations, Eric Olson, was a ‘featured attendee’ at the Clinton Global Initiative’s annual meeting.
The company is a regular donor to the Clinton Foundation – the firm’s up to $100,000 donation was listed in its annual donor list for 2015. Lafarge is also listed again as a donor to the Clinton Foundation for the first quarter of 2016.
Lafarge is a major beneficiary of disaster capitalism in Iraq, dominating a market where Iraq’s infrastructure remains in dire need of hundreds of billions of dollars in investment. The company describes itself as “one of the largest non-oil investors in Iraq.”
The firm is not just an economic juggernaut. Its murky history of intelligence ties, and significant political clout in France and the US – the countries leading the airstrikes against Isis in Syria – raise the question of whether Lafarge believes it can profit from terror without accountability.
Call to action
Sign the SumofUs petition demanding that Paris sever its ties with the firm which funded the very terrorists behind attacks on Paris:
Image via Flickr/Takver
Documents obtained by several journalistic investigations reveal that Lafarge has paid taxes to the terror group to operate its cement plant in Syria, and even bought Isis oil for years.
Yet according to the campaign group, SumOfUs, Lafarge is the corporate partner and sand provider to the City of Paris for this summer’s Paris-Plages urban beach event. The project run by Office of the Mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, will create artificial beaches along the river Seine in the centre and northeast of Paris.
Lafarge also has close ties to Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Apart from being a regular donor to the Clinton Foundation, Clinton herself was a director of Lafarge in the early 1990s, and did legal work for the firm in the 1980s. During her connection to Lafarge, the firm was implicated in facilitating a CIA-backed covert arms export network to Saddam Hussein.
Blood money
An investigative report by the French daily Le Monde revealed in June that the corporation, the world’s leader in construction materials, had paid taxes to Isis middlemen, as well as other armed groups in Syria, to protect its cement business operations in the country.But the Le Monde story only covered a fraction of the revelations. Previous investigations by Zaman al-Wasl, an independent news outlet run by elements of the Syrian opposition, revealed that Lafarge had even regularly bought oil from Isis.
Al-Wasl’s original investigation, which Le Monde appears to have borrowed from considerably, was published in February, and based on internal documents and emails from the company. Al-Wasl reported that the CEO of Lafarge Cement Syria, Frederic Jolibois, had personally instructed his firm to make payments to Isis.
Under fire
France has repeatedly been targeted by Daesh, and Daesh-inspired terrorists, over the last few years. The latest mass atrocity occurred in Nice, where 84 people were killed on Bastille Day. On Tuesday, a priest in Normandy was brutally murdered by Isis terrorists.Paris itself has been repeatedly attacked by terrorists. On 13 November 2015, Isis coordinated a series of terror strikes in Paris and its northern suburb, Saint-Denis, killing 130 people and injuring 368.
Yet Paris’ new corporate partner, according to Le Monde, sponsored the Isis terror group in Syria in the preceding years to keep up company profits.
Profit over people
Emails discovered by Le Monde reveal that Lafarge – which merged with Swiss cement maker Holcim in 2015 – had made “arrangements […] with the jihadist group to continue production until September 19, 2014.”Most of these emails seem to have been first obtained by Zaman al-Wasl. Lafarge’s Syria operations ended on that date when Isis took over the firm’s facility in Jalabiya.
Documents show that Lafarge’s Paris headquarters were fully aware of the business deal with Isis. The company even sent a representative into Isis territory “to get permission from Isis group to let employees past checkpoints,” reports Le Monde.
A “pass stamped with an Isis group stamp and endorsed by [Isis] finance chief in the Aleppo region” confirms Lafarge’s deal with Daesh to allow the free circulation of its goods.
In February 2015, Isis were driven out of the Jalabiya region by Kurdish forces.
Lafarge has declined to address the allegations, stating only that the firm’s highest priority was to protect the safety of its employees in Syria.
However, instead of ending its Syrian investments when the conflict began as most other international firms had done, which would have been the safest option, the firm struck a lucrative business deal with the jihadist terror group to maximise profits from its local cement operations.
Who is buying Isis oil?
According to Zaman al-Wasl, Lafarge regularly purchased fuel from Isis for its own operations, and even supplied cement for Isis to sell in Syria.In one email trail, Lafarge general manager Bruno Pescheux received a warning from his Syria senior plant manager about repercussions due to the firm’s “illegal purchasing of petroleum products from ‘non-governmental organizations’ in areas outside the control of the Syrian government […] there are high expectations about a government action or a resolution against individuals and companies who purchase illegal petroleum products.”
Pescheux’s response was revealing. Agreeing that this could be a “worrying” issue “in the future” for Lafarge, he suggested the company prepare justifications for its policy, such as:
– at least the HFO [residual fuel oil] we consume is not smuggled abroad and benefits to [sic] Syria construction activityLafarge is not the only major company implicated in buying Isis oil, though it is perhaps the first case where a deliberate policy of purchasing oil from the jihadist group has been confirmed through the firm’s own internal documents.
– it is very minimum quantity compared to what is smuggled to Turkey.
Business partnerships of any kind with terror groups like Isis are criminal actions under international law, and subject to stringent US and EU sanctions.
What is Paris thinking?
Adding insult to injury, the Office of the Mayor of Paris has struck a corporate partnership with the very same sponsor of Isis to provide sand for this summer’s Paris-Plages event.Outraged by the partnership, nearly 40,000 members of SumOfUs, the international corporate watchdog, have signed a petition demanding that Mayor Anne Hidalgo immediately cut Paris’ partnership with Lafarge.
Eoin Dubsky, SumOfUS campaign manager, said:
Terrorists should never be business partners. It is beyond reprehensible for Lafarge to be cutting deals with Isis just for profits’ sake. By enriching the terrorist group’s coffers with payments to continue its operations in Syria, Lafarge is inadvertently supporting Isis worldwide campaign of terror that has left scores killed, displaced and under siege in one of the worst humanitarian nightmares of our time.The Canary contacted the Parisian mayor Anne Hidalgo to find out how such an appalling partnership could be struck, but received no response.
This is a scandalous partnership with the City of Paris that should have never happened. By partnering with Lafarge for this summer’s Paris-Plages event, the City of Paris is whitewashing the company’s obscene show of corporate greed that profits off the war and violence created by terrorists. It is high time to make Lafarge accountable for its support of terror, which is why nearly 40,000 SumOfUs members are calling on Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo to cut ties with Lafarge once and for all.
Far from being courted by Paris with new contracts, Lafarge executives should be prosecuted in France for sponsoring the terrorist group behind the Paris attacks.
From Saddam to Clinton to post-war Iraq
But Lafarge leads quite a charmed existence.
Among its earliest benefactors was former First Lady and current presidential hopeful, Hillary Clinton.
From 1990 to 1992, Clinton served on Lafarge’s Board of Directors. Under her tenure, Lafarge’s Ohio subsidiary was caught burning hazardous waste to fuel cement plants. Clinton defended the decision at the time.
Then just before her husband, Bill Clinton, was elected president in 1992, Lafarge was fined $1.8 million by the Environmental Protection Agency for these pollution violations. Hillary Clinton had left the board of Lafarge in spring, just after her husband won the Democrat nomination. A year later, under Bill’s presidency, the Clinton administration reduced Lafarge’s EPA fine to less than $600,000.
In the late 1980s, according to an archived investigative report in the American Spectator, Hillary Clinton was connected to Lafarge when the firm was involved in facilitating CIA support for Saddam Hussein’s secret weapons programme.
The American Spectator report from November 1996 cited sources confirming that Hillary Clinton did legal work for Lafarge in the late 1980s before she became a director. The report also claimed that Lafarge’s US subsidiary:
provided key services for the covert arms export network that supplied Saddam Hussein. To prevent exposure of that secret supply line, and collateral damage to Hillary Clinton – who joined Lafarge board in 1990, just as the arms pipeline was being shut down… the Justice Department was told to bury the investigation… But investigators from other US government agencies who worked on the case say they were ‘waved off’ whenever they got too close to exposing the direct involvement of the intelligence community in the arms export scheme.Lafarge remains close to the Clintons to this day.
In 2013, Lafarge’s Executive Vice President for Operations, Eric Olson, was a ‘featured attendee’ at the Clinton Global Initiative’s annual meeting.
The company is a regular donor to the Clinton Foundation – the firm’s up to $100,000 donation was listed in its annual donor list for 2015. Lafarge is also listed again as a donor to the Clinton Foundation for the first quarter of 2016.
Lafarge is a major beneficiary of disaster capitalism in Iraq, dominating a market where Iraq’s infrastructure remains in dire need of hundreds of billions of dollars in investment. The company describes itself as “one of the largest non-oil investors in Iraq.”
The firm is not just an economic juggernaut. Its murky history of intelligence ties, and significant political clout in France and the US – the countries leading the airstrikes against Isis in Syria – raise the question of whether Lafarge believes it can profit from terror without accountability.
Call to action
Sign the SumofUs petition demanding that Paris sever its ties with the firm which funded the very terrorists behind attacks on Paris:
Image via Flickr/Takver
1 Obscene Statistic Helps Explain Why Income Inequality Is So Bad
Chief executives certainly have demanding jobs ― requiring long
hours, boorish appearances on CNBC and earnest declarations of their
social commitment ― but are these positions 276 times as hard as ours? In 2015, the average chief executive at the largest corporations in
the U.S. earned 276 times what a typical worker made ― about $15
million, a new paper from the Economic Policy Institute reports. Read more...
The comments to this piece are particularly unanimous. How do these guys spend the money they steal from us? where does the money go or sit?
The comments to this piece are particularly unanimous. How do these guys spend the money they steal from us? where does the money go or sit?
Merci patron ! Europe 1 déprogramme François Ruffin - Acrimed | Action Critique Médias vendredi 19 février 2016
Le 24 février prochain sort en salle Merci Patron, le premier film de François Ruffin, directeur du journal Fakir. Le film, dont le succès a été spectaculaire lors des dizaines d'avant premières partout en France, a pour héros le milliardaire et première fortune de France, Bernard Arnault, patron de LVMH, qui possède notamment Les Echos ou Le Parisien. Suite...
Au pays de Voltaire, les zélites détiennent tous les pouvoirs!
La France d'en haut: les planques de la République. Chérot!
Ce numéro de Challenges date de février 2013.
Les caisses de l'Etat sont vides, pourtant notre république monarchique continue d'accorder des rentes à ses serviteurs. François Hollande a promis de remettre de l'ordre. Mais les pratiques perdurent.
Les caisses de l'Etat sont vides, pourtant notre république monarchique continue d'accorder des rentes à ses serviteurs. François Hollande a promis de remettre de l'ordre. Mais les pratiques perdurent.
Comment fonctionnent nos élites face aux défis de notre temps?
OUTRE leur difficulté d'accès et l'érosion de leur avantage comparatif dans la compétition internationale, l'orientation que l'ancrage des grandes écoles dans la sphère étatique imprime au statut socioprofessionnel des élites et à la hiérarchie des valeurs de la société française est loin d'être sans effet sur la relation du pays avec la vie économique, la modernité et la globalisation. Les grandes écoles ont été créées pour former les cadres de la nation, à une époque où celle-ci était essentiellement centrée sur un territoire et où l'État jouait un rôle prépondérant dans tous les domaines de la vie du pays : éducation « nationale », enseignement supérieur et recherche, haute administration, grands corps d'ingénieurs d'État, entreprises publiques et privées, fonctions politiques. Elles ont donc été conçues comme des machines à fonctionnariser les élites, qu'elles dotent de la sécurité d'un statut permanent et prestigieux, imprègnent du sens du service public, et qu'elles orientent, à l'exception des enseignants et des chercheurs, vers des fonctions d'administration, de gestion, de contrôle ou de normalisation. Suite...
Hollande avoue qu'il est payé à ne rien faire (vidéo 1989) | 24heuresactu.com

« Si je ne faisais absolument rien à la Cour des comptes, je continuerais à gagner 15 000 francs par mois, 25 000 si je faisais des rapports, mais sans forcement en faire énormément. Je pourrais doser mon travail, rester chez moi quand je suis fatigué, aller à la Cour des comptes dans mon bureau pour passer des coups de téléphone. Bref, je serais totalement libre. Je serais un vrai privilégié comme je l’étais avant d’être élu député ». Lire la suite et voir la vidéo.
Les contradictions internes du Capitalisme et de la Démocratie : une analyse Marxiste | Institut Des Libertés
Pour analyser cette nouvelle réalité, je vais utiliser une grille de
lecture Marxiste puisqu’après tout, le monde aujourd’hui ressemble passablement à celui que décrivait Marx, monde qui n’existait pas à son époque mais que les oints du Seigneur ODS ont créé de toutes pièces à la notre. Et comme Marx, je vais arriver à la conclusion que ce monde est traversé de contradictions internes profondes qui vont sans aucun doute amener à sa disparition. Suite sur l'Institut des libertés de Charles Gave.
affaire Jouyet-Fillon; décompositions | RussEurope Jacques Sapir
Affaire Jouyet-Fillon secoue durement la sphère politico-médiatique. Elle en révèle les défauts et les tares. Cette affaire est le symptôme de l’état de décomposition atteint par cette dite sphère. Car, n’en doutons pas, ce ne sont pas seulement Jean-Pierre Jouyet et François Fillon qui sont en cause. Les effets de ce scandale sont d’ores et déjà bien plus profonds que les deux principaux protagonistes. Quels sont donc les faits qui nous sont connus à l’heure actuelle ? La suite sur le site de Jacques Sapir.
La démocratie au XXI° siècle | Joseph E. Stiglitz - Project Syndicate

Lire la suite sur Project Syndicate.
Plus sur ce thème:
- Marcel Gauchet décrypte la démocratie du XXe siècle | l'Express
- La Démocratie Libérale à l’épreuve du XXe Siècle | Charles Gave
- Austérité? Jacques Sapir
- Dossier sur l'euro | Institut des libertés
- 4 idées fausses sur la sortie de l'euro | Institut des libertés Charles Gave
- How Finance Quietly Took The World Hostage | Peoples Trust Toronto
- La France des privilèges
- Hans Werner Sinn: Quand l'économiste le plus populaire d'Allemagne fustige la France
- La spirale négative de l’Italie
- Joseph E. Stiglitz 2006 "Un Autre Monde: Contre le fanatisme des marchés"
2006 Fayard, Paris
Chez Rothschild, Emmanuel Macron ? : Au fait, il faisait quoi | Résistance Inventerre
de devenir ministre de l’Economie, le jeune énarque a travaillé dans
les bureaux feutrés de la banque d’affaires. C’est dans cet
établissement au cœur du pouvoir qu’il s’est acoquiné avec les patrons
français. On lui accordera le sens du timing. Emmanuel Macron devient banquier d’affaires en septembre 2008, dix jours seulement avant la chute de Lehman
Brothers. Le jeune homme n’a alors que 30 ans et va gagner en quelques
années seulement, malgré les soubresauts de la crise financière, son
surnom de « Mozart de la finance ». Continuer de lire...
Ceux qui coulent la France | Livre "Les Cinq-Mille, fortune et faillite de l'élite française."
Ils profitent d’un énorme fromage que l’Etat français leur accorde sous différentes formes.
Lire la suite...
Les élus et leurs entourages scrutés par une équipe de chercheurs en science politique | Slate.fr
Au plan national et européen, comme au niveau local, la politique s'est professionnalisée au point de faire vivre tout un marché du travail, aussi instable que concurrentiel, constitué des collaborateurs d'élus et des entourages politiques. Dans Le savant et le politique, Max Weber avait déjà, dès 1919, considéré que l'activité (ou le travail) politique ne pouvait pas être seulement analysée comme une vocation (Beruf) mais également comme un «métier» – bien qu'il ne s'agisse pas d'une catégorie socio-professionnelle au sens de la sociologie moderne – car, selon ses propres termes, elle peut être pratiquée de manière «occasionnelle», «secondaire» ou au titre de «profession principale». [] C'est précisément ce point de vue sur la politique, entendue comme une activité de temps plein, productive et rémunérée, qui a intéressé une équipe d'enseignants-chercheurs en science politique, sous la direction de Didier Demazière et Patrick Le Lidec, dans l'ouvrage Les mondes du travail politique. Les élus et leurs entourages, récemment publié aux Presses universitaires de Rennes. Lire la suite sur slate.fr
Sarkozy! Vous avez dit trafic d'influences!
Nous n’avons vu que cela dans notre carrière d’observateur de la vie économique et politique: des trafics d’influence! A quoi servirait d’être puissant si ce n’est pas pour s’en servir? Lire la suite.
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