
The difference between England, Great Britain and the United Kingdom in the perspective of BREXIT

C'est quoi le Royaume Uni au juste, dans la perspective du BREXIT.
What countries make up Great Britain and the UK? Where is Scotland? Where is Wales? Where is England? and Northern Ireland? Surface areas, population, capitals and languages?

Great Britain

Great Britain

 Surface area 229561km2 Population 61 million.


Great Britain is an island in Western Europe. It is in fact the largest island in Europe and the 9th largest island in the world. Politically, Great Britain is made up of 3 individual countries: England, Scotland and Wales. It also includes islands such as the Isle of Wight, Anglesey, the Isles of Scilly, the Hebrides and the island groups of Orkney and Shetland. It does not include the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands which are self-governing.

England, Scotland and Wales are located within Great Britain: see surface areas and population.


Surface area 130395km2

England is the largest country of Great Britain with a surface area of 130,395 km2 and the population is 53 million. The capital of England is London which is in the South East of the country. The official language is English.


Surface area 78387km2

Scotland has a surface area of 78,387 km2 and the population is just over 5 million. The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh and the largest city is Glasgow. The official language is English and there are also 2 recognised regional languages: Scots language and Scottish Gaelic.



Surface area 20779km2

Wales has a surface area of 20,779 km2 and the population is just over 3 million. The capital of Wales is Cardiff. The official languages are Welsh and English.

United Kingdom

United Kingdom

Surface area 243691 (half of France 500000km2) Population 63 Million

The full name of the United Kingdom is “The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”. It is often abbreviated to UK. The United Kingdom is made up of: Great Britain (see the definition above) and Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland
Surface area 14130km2

Northern Ireland has a surface area of 14,130 km2 and the population is approximately 1.8 million. The capital (and also largest city) of Northern Ireland is Belfast. The official language is English and there are also 2 regional languages: Irish and Ulster Scots..


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