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Nouvelles de l'AIE. News from the IEA.

Many falsehoods are being spread about the current global energy crisis. Our Executive Editor Fatih Birol rebutted three of the most damaging ones in a recent

opinion article

published by

the Financial Times

, stressing the importance of separating fact from fiction at this perilous time.  The first fallacy is that Russia is winning the energy battle. Russia may have benefitted from spikes in oil and gas prices triggered by its invasion of Ukraine, but any short-term gain from rising export revenue is more than offset by the long-term loss of both trust and markets. Moscow has alienated the European Union, its largest customer, and sanctions on its oil and gas sector will hurt its future ability to exploit its resources by cutting access to vital technologies. 


COVID-19 la Situation de l'énergie par l'Agence Internationale de l'énergie AIE

The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has created an unprecedented global health and economic crisis. The energy sector, as a key enabler of modern life, is uniquely affected by this crisis but is also critical for global and national response and recovery efforts.
Energy security remains a major area of attention and the crisis highlights the critical value of electricity infrastructure and know-how, underpinning the response to the coronavirus pandemic. It demonstrates the central role and importance of electricity, and what policy makers need to do in order to ensure that current and future systems remain reliable even as they are transformed by the rise of clean energy technologies.