an Europe's struggling economies be saved or are we too far down the road to meltdown? Will the contagion reach the United States? And what's at the root of the crisis -- political or economic dysfunction? In this edition of the Foreign Policy/Brookings Institution Deep Dive, we delve into the dimensions of the European debt crisis, the potential solutions, and the future of the eurozone and global financial system -- starting with a briefing on how the IMF could rescue Europe by Brookings scholars Domenico Lombardi and Sarah Puritz Milsom. Former Obama administration economic adviser Larry Summers, Pimco CEO Mohamed El-Erian, Berkeley economist Barry Eichengreen, and others also weigh in -- with almost uniformly gloomy news. Thankfully, our contributors also offer prescriptions for a solution to the eurozone crisis -- ranging from conditional Eurobonds to sweeping bank bailouts to a wholesale retreat from neoliberalism. As Europe takes its first furtive steps toward greater fiscal unity while Britain lingers behind, markets churn, and periphery economies wobble -- this in-depth special report couldn't be more timely.
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