
Climate change: Is sea level rising? Yes it is rising.

I read this post on Quora. by Barry Stanly See here.  This is my view.

Barry. This is almost a climate change denier's view. "Don't worry we have time to adapt!" What will the billions of people living in sea coastal areas think of this? The fallacy is in the 200 feet potential sea level (SL) rise, source National Geographic!  Divide by 0.13 inch average decadal SL rise,  gives 18000 years. Sea level rise is due to 2 causes:

1: melting of sea ice in the arctic and antarctic due to climate change and average global temperature  increase. Inceased temperature of the seas causes thermal expansion.

2: melting of continental ice... for which you cite the 200 feet figure from National Geographic!

 Melting of sea ice in the arctic and antarctic is monitored accurately since 1979 by NOAA . NOAA publishes data sets on ice expansion in the arctic, antarctic  and combined, in millions of square km and miles. See NOAA "Sea Ice and Snow Cover Extent" here https://bit.ly/2R3CqqH

 Variation of Sea level due to thermal expansion is measured by tidal stations and satellites. This includes the contribution of continent ice melting; but measuring the volume of ice stored in the continents is impossible; only gross estimates can be made. So the proxy of this is in sea level variation... So the 18000 years figure is a fallacy. See NOAA "Is sea level rising? Yes, sea level is rising at an increasing rate."  https://bit.ly/3beoFMS 



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