
Ukraine. les sanctions vont faire effet.

Ukraine. les sanctions vont faire effet.  

In the wake of Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine, no European in their right mind wants Russia to have the free cash flow that its hydrocarbon exports currently provide. And the European Union, the United States, and their allies are already on track to remove this major source of the Kremlin's geopolitical leverage.  

source: project-syndicate.org by Simon Johnson & Oleg Ustenko

Russia Is Finished as a Major Energy Power by Simon Johnson & Oleg Ustenko

In the wake of Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine, no European in their right mind wants Russia to have the free cash flow that its hydrocarbon exports currently provide. And the European Union, the United States, and their allies are already on track to remove this major source of the Kremlin's geopolitical leverage. 

These fossil-fuel exports have enabled Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and its extreme violence against unarmed civilians and civilian infrastructure. Russian President Vladimir Putin apparently believes that no one can stand up to him because of the naked power that he can exert through energy markets. If the Europeans resist too much, he will cut off their gas. If the rest of the world cuts back on their purchases from Russia, the price of oil will rise – causing economic difficulties everywhere.

But Putin underestimated the horror and fear that his invasion would create, particularly in Europe. Even worse for him, the United States, Europe, and their allies have all the tools needed to end Russia’s energy leverage. Importers around the world are shunning Russian oil and gas. Europe, certainly, will never again risk its national security on Russian energy imports. Consequently, Russia will soon be finished as a major player in world energy markets.

Putin’s war of aggression has killed thousands of civilians and displaced about ten million, including more than four million who have fled the country. With Russian forces repeatedly shelling and firing missiles at civilian areas, 13 million Ukrainians are at risk of bombardment. In Mariupol and elsewhere, Putin’s forces have targeted buildings where civilians were sheltering, even where the word “children” was clearly marked or a red cross was painted on the roof. In the eyes of the world, these are war crimes, pure and simple.

Nowhere is the shock and revulsion felt as intensely as in Europe. The entire EU has come together, taking in millions of Ukrainian refugees and seeking to help Ukraine in as many other ways as possible. Every atrocity committed by Russian forces generates more support for Ukraine among European leaders and publics alike.

Some EU countries are already de facto boycotting Russian oil. According to TankerTrackers.com, in February, Denmark imported just over 7.5 million barrels of crude oil from Russia by ship. But in the first 27 days of March, Denmark imported no Russian crude whatsoever. Sweden, Finland, and other countries also reported big declines in Russian crude imported by tanker. And there are increasing signs that Germany and other countries will step up to lead a full and immediate embargo on imports of Russian oil by tanker into the EU.

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