
Lithium Race From DIEselGate And Battery Boom: Germany To Take On Tesla With Another "Gigafactory Rival".

Chairman and CEO at International Lithium Corp. and Chairman and CEO at TNR Gold Corp.

We all are very excited that the UK will ban sales of any new petrol and DIEsel cars from 2040. The ugly truth is that all those millions of illegal cancer hazard polluting cars will be straying on our streets and can be even sold until that time. But nothing is hopeless and people have started to the magnitude of "Clean DIEsel" disaster and all associated health risks. Go and try to sell your DIEsel car today - prices are plummeting already. Technology will bring the end of DIEsel and petrol cars much faster than a lot of people think. Now automakers in Germany are getting the message and jumping into electric cars.

Lithium battery Megafactories are mushrooming all around the worldAt the moment, they are located mostly in China. Bloomberg is talking now about battery boom. Global battery capacity is set to double by 2021 from just over 100 GWh in 2016 to 278 GWh by 2021. This number can be even higher. Elon Musk has already upgraded his production targets at Gigafcatory from 35 GWh to 50 GWh and now he is talking about 100 GWh from 2022.

This another "Tesla rival" in Germany will produce only 34 GWh by 2020. Speaking about Tesla Model 3 types electric cars with at least 60 kWh lithium batteries it will be translated into 567,000 EVs per year. This is a drop in the bucket if we compare this number with all those millions of cars produced annually in Germany. More lithium battery Megafactories will be coming. The breaking news came a few months ago that Audi is buying its lithium batteries at $114 per kWh from China. With a mass volume production of lithium batteries, we are getting closer to the Holy Grail for electric cars: lithium batteries priced at $100 per kWH. Electric cars will become better and cheaper than any comparable proposition with DIEsel or even petrol engine. This Switch will be happening very soon with millions of people buying electric cars. Read more.

Lithium Race At IMF: "Electric Cars Can Replace Motor Vehicles In The Next 10 To 25 Years."

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Kevin Hamilton-Woods

GroundBreaker1 at Appropriate Process Technologies (Modular Mineral Processing Plants)

APT have devloped a cutting edge flotation system for lithium TriFloat recovery this will help get best recovery for the mining firms www.aptprocessing.com

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