When you finally return to the land of the living, it’s easy to feel a little off. And now, new research published in the American Journal of Epidemiology has found you’re not alone.
For the study, researchers used three waves of data from 5,208 people in the nationally representative Gallup Panel Social Network Study survey, in combination with measures of Facebook use. They stacked that up against self-reported physical and mental health, as well as life satisfaction and BMI, and also got information on participants’ real-world social networks.
What they found wasn’t pretty: Overall, researchers concluded that the use of Facebook was negatively associated with a person’s well-being. Meaning, the more you use Facebook, the crappier you feel.
Researchers found quantifiable measures of this: For every time a person liked someone else’s content, clicked on a link to another site or article, or updated their own Facebook statues, their self-reported mental health decreased five to eight percent. However, the same wasn’t true for real-world interactions with friends—those were shown to make people feel better about themselves.
Researchers say in write-up in the Harvard Business Review that they’re not totally sure why Facebook use bums people out, especially since they didn’t see much difference in liking, posting, and clicking links, and how it impacted a person. “While we expected that ‘liking’ other people’s content would be more likely to lead to negative self-comparisons and thus decreases in well-being, updating one’s own status and clicking links seemed to have a similar effect,” they wrote.
However, they point out that quantity seems to matter more than quality when it comes to Facebook use. Meaning, you’re probably not going to feel amazing if you spend a ton of time on the social network.
Of course, this doesn’t mean that everyone who uses Facebook is going to leave it feeling like crap. Instead, it’s important to limit your use. Also, keep in mind that your friends put the best versions of themselves on social media and fail to mention the bad, annoying, and lame things that happen in their life, too. Mentally beating yourself up over the fact that you’ve never done anything as adventurous as cliff-diving like your college roommate is worthless. And, by the way, he probably failed to mention the monster wedgie he got from the ocean as a result.
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