
Effondrement des civilisations: Collapse de Jared Diamond

The collapse of civilisations: Collapse may be our future; the only question is when.

This is an extract from Jared Diamond's "Collapse"  The most serious environmental problems facing past and present societies fall into a dozen groups. Eight of the 12 were significant already present in the past, while four (numbers 5, 7, 8, and 10: energy, the photosynthetic ceiling, toxic chemicals, and atmospheric changes) became serious only recently. The first four of the 12 consist of destruction or losses of natural resources; the next three involve ceilings on natural resources; the three after that consist of harmful things that we produce or move around; and the last two are population issues. Let's begin with the natural resources that we are destroying or losing: natural habitats, wild food sources, biological diversity, and soil... Suite...​

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